Friday, July 30, 2010

Thanks to Mother Nature

My body wakens from the sound

of gentle sparrows.

My eyes slowly open,

and I wake up from the dream

that I never wanted to end.

My day starts with me,



and wondering,

what route my twenty four hours will take

while the sun begins to rise

breaking the darkness of the night.

I glance outside my window

to observe the leaves moving

back and forth in the morning breeze.

The rising sun shines

on the fresh and moist grass.

The tulips reveal

their reddish color

to contrast

with the white and yellow daisies.

I took a deep breath

and enjoy the feeling

of fresh air entering my body.

I close my eyes for a second

to relax and to picture myself

flying over the precious natural world

and say : “Thanks Mother Nature.”


  1. I like the list of verbs in the second stanza. Great imagery; a very dreamy and beautiful poem.

  2. I love this picture! "Thanks to mother nature" is kind of ironic too, and funny. Great description of what you saw and smelt also. Keep up the great work
