Monday, July 12, 2010

Onto the Garden... Human Nature!

There has been many theories developing the idea that human beings have a sense of what is right and what is wrong. The following points are some characteristics that represents my opinion on human nature.
  • As humans, we all differs from others. We have different characteristics that makes us unique.
  • As humans, we eat and drinking because in our opinions, it is essential to survive.
  • As humans, we have an inner feeling to protect one self from danger.
  • As humans, we feel the need to express ourselves in many different ways. It can be through visual arts, sports, or any actions that interact with society.
  • As humans, we find comfort in family because we are naturally and genetically related to our family members which makes us believe that we can automatically find faith and trust inside of them.
  • As humans, we understand, even at a young age, that violence is not accepted and can hurt others around us. We know that it is wrong and that it goes against human nature.
  • As humans, we believe that respect is one of the most fundamental elements of life that should be part of our everyday life.


  1. hey christine!
    I think you made some really great observations. I like the comment you made about how humans naturally find comfort in family. I think that this is very true and a big part of human nature. I think that humans do know that violence is wrong, but some just look past their instincts and commit violence even when they know it's wrong. Awesome work!

  2. The first point you make is that we are all different. The others explain some of our similarities. The magic and tragedy of human nature is that we are all different and yet ultimately all the same. Perhaps, on the most basic levels, this is true of all living things: human beings and the nature we inhabit.

  3. Everyone of your points is something we should know, points we should follow and shouldn't have a hard time with. But on the other side of things, having all those great qualities gives us sometimes a hard time to deal with. Great points!

  4. You said humans have a need to express themselves. Is this a need to communicate or just to destroy something or whistle a tune as the feeling is appropriate? Also, voilence is a reality for many people. What is the cause? You raise many questions, good job with your reflections.
