Friday, July 30, 2010

Predict the Unpredictable

First sight, first word, first kiss,

my heart smiled as the gentleman spoke.

When our eyes met,

my soul was instantly awaken as if

I had been living a nightmare all my life.

He grabbed my hand

and the world around me


I took a second to appreciate his soft skin,

and it seemed like no one could interrupt

this beautiful moment.

Until a superior voice spoke,

I had confidence in the love

flowing in the air

between my sweetheart and I.

I suddenly felt anger throughout my body

seeing that this person wanted to separate us.

I felt like my flawless world had been shifted upside down,

and though I really cared about my father

ignorance took over and love reigned.

Together, as lovers, we escaped

in this world of wonders,

where no one’s outlook on our relationship

could break the strength of our bonds

that united our compassion for each other

since the first sight, first word, and first kiss.

1 comment:

  1. Love the phrase "world of wonders" and the return to the first line at the end.
