Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Saturday Night at the Bar!

Natascha was having an amazing time at the bar with her girlfriends. She danced and drank, talked and sang, on this animated Saturday night. She has had a hard week at work, and needed to let loose for the weekend. It was on her way to the bathroom when she perceived decent looking man who was sitting by himself at the bar, ordering drinks. As she observed the actions of the man, she thought 'What is this man doing by himself on a Saturday night?'. Later on during the night, as Natascha was getting looks from many men on the dance floor probably enjoying her beauty, she was still very intrigued by this lonely man. Outgoing and confident as she is, she decided to go and meet the man.

- "What a night!" discretely saying as she ordered few drinks for her and her friends next to this man.
- "Ah, I'm takin' it easy tonight, dear.." replied the man with a sad tone in his voice.
"I'm Reeve by the way, nice to meet you, you seemed to have a lot of fun out there!"

Natascha suddenly was flattered by the fact that he had been observing her on the dance floor.

-"Nice to meet you, I'm Natascha, and indeed I'm enjoying myself tonight" said the lady in sweat with an exhausted voice.

The man and woman prolonged their conversation, approaching the comfortable zone. Flirty comments were said back and forth, mostly because of the alcohol, given that the man was not really Natascha's type of guys. The night was still young, and the two individuals ended up rocking some ridiculous dance moves later during the night.


  1. LOL you are hilarious. The conclusion was very irreverent. I wonder if the humor theme could be strengthened. I laughed out loud at the end, and a bitter old man has few joys so thank you.

  2. I for one really like your story chris!

    I really like how the characters are generally nice people, even though one is good looking while the other isnt,
    you might not want to have an exclamation mark when he says that he's taking it easy, it makes him sound excited instead of sad and lonely.

    Great work!

  3. Chris,
    I enjoyed reading this story. The ending was a little weird for me, because it did not seem very realistic because the guy was so uninterested at the beginning. I like the scene that you portrayed at the beginning, showing the amount of fun she was having with her girlfriends. One comment, I don't think you should have used the word "Indeed" for Natascha because it does not really reflect her personality. Great short story, keep it up!

  4. I'd like to know exactly how she got the guy out on the dance floor!
