Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Rose Garden

When we arrived at the Rose Garden, I immediately noticed a couple of squirrels that was running around this beautiful place. When I followed one of the squirrels with my eyes for a good minute or so, I noticed that this animal had similar characteristics to my little cousin Alexia. I observed that it was quick, and full of energy. It looked like it was curious to see what us, the girls, were doing laying there with paper and pencil at our hands. As soon as I wanted to approach it, the squirrel ran away from me to find a place to hide, as if it were scared of me. These qualities of the squirrel are easily comparable to the ones of Alexia. When at a family reunion, she would be running around the house or building, having fun with her other cousins. She did not seem to lose any bit of energy even though we would all expect her to crash at any second. When I would be talking with my friends, she would always try to sneak up on us, curious to know what we are discussing about. Adorable as she is, most people are tempted to approach her, to give her a hug or a simple kiss on her puffy cheek. But when anyone that appears as a strangers to her, she quickly runs away to find a person with whom she feels more comfortable to hide from them.


  1. I think this is a really good comparison. I can definitely picture your little cousin running around with a lot of energy but being reserved around other people, just like a squirrel. They are always darting around the grass and up the trees but when you get close they run away. Great comparison!

  2. Squirrels and little kids are a match! I never thought about the similarities before, but you are right on. They both seem to have endless energy, are curious, but cautious around strangers. And they can be both cute but also annoying...and you never know when they might run out into traffic, which makes me nervous on both accounts.

  3. This was really cute because I could just picture your cousin at family gatherings excited to see everyone she knew. This is kind of like the home of a squirrel because it feels completely comfortable traveling up it down and running everywhere in its home. Alexia is probably always excited for things to happen and for people to notice her. However, she will run away if you frighten her or expose her to the unknown. She is likely very comfortable with her other cousins and always has a good time. The way you describe her and the squirrel allowed me to assume all these things about her, which I hope are correct because if they are then you made me picture her exactly how you described her.

  4. Good job with this comparison. Sounds like a relaxing time there in the Rose Garden.
