Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Downtown Orono - Conversation!

When I was sitting the edge of the steps in front of Margarita's, I was observing the body languages of the people walking by. I tried to pick some lines of conversations that I thought would be interesting. However, they were walking quickly next to me which made it difficult to hear the replies going back and forth between them. Based on some part of conversations that I recorded, I noticed that people of Orono likes to give their opinion on most things. I caught on two women in their 40's talking about yoga or exercises, and I think I heard from the distance that one of them was confessing something about her husband, something like:

- Well, my husband goes to the gym and always come back to the house....

I didn't get the chance to know the rest, but this simple line confirms my point that people in Orono likes to express their own opinion on things.


  1. I like your observations, I too had a lot of trouble picking out anything more than words from the noisy air where I was. I agree, people love to express their opinion, and often to share it as well. I am sure that woman was saying something revealing about her and her friend's situation, if only we'd heard the whole thing.

  2. I had that problem, too! I heard all these little snippets and as soon as something got good I would miss parts because people lowered their voices or something loud blocked it out. I bet you could take the little snippets you heard and make a good story--even a funny one. When I was a kid I played this game with the TV where I'd flip through the channels in the middle of sentences to see if one word would connect with what was on the next channel. Some funny combos would result!

  3. I agree. I found it really hard to pick up on other people's conversations without getting too close.
    Great picture :)

  4. I also agree. I mean this stuff happens all the time in small places, people into each other's business! Great picture too! It's weird to hear such a small part of a conversation and can already tell what the people from the town are like.
