Saturday, July 31, 2010

Never Give Up

Throughout my childhood, I had played many different sports such as baseball, hockey, basketball, gymnastics, and much more. I had been a very active girl and was very competitive in everything I would do. It was at the age ten that I finally decided to stick with only one sport: soccer. As a young teenager, all that mattered to me was to play, competitively of course, and most importantly to enjoy the game. It wasn’t until I reached the age of 15 that this thought suddenly changed. It was then that I realized how much life is precious, and how much we have to appreciate the time we are given and make the best of it, before obstacles come our way. It was during the first game of the fall season at my boarding school in Minnesota that my life took a different path. A path I would describe as an athlete’s worse nightmare.

I was very excited to play this first game. It was something I had waited and prepared for the whole summer. On the weekends, I would go down to the field near my house to run and shoot some balls accompanied by my mother, who would try to impress me with her not-so-good goalkeeper skills. When I stepped onto the field in early September, I felt ready to compete against this Illinois team. It was still 0-0 near the end of the second half of the game when this golden opportunity opened itself before my eyes. I made a wide run behind the defenders and this vast space was now created in front of me.

“Sloane!! Over here, I’m open!!” I shouted from the distance.

My teammate Sloane managed to pass me the ball right on my foot and there I was, one versus one with the goalkeeper. The faster I ran, the smaller the net became and the bigger the goalkeeper appeared to me. I felt the pressure on my shoulders overhearing my teammates cheering for me, hoping I would score and make my team win. I wanted to take my time and make sure I placed the ball perfectly behind the goalkeeper by giving the ball a little curve in the direction of the bottom left corner of the net. As I watched the ball slowly moving towards the goal, I felt my body working in slow motion, and my eyes shut suddenly for a quick instant. Unaware of my body position at the moment, my right foot landed on the long and uneven grass on a very unusual angle. For a second or two, it was as if I could hear something slowly tearing up in my knee. The pain was instantaneous, and nothing could come out of my mouth except for screams of extreme torment. I began to feel my knee throbbing. It took a few minutes before the trainers got to me. They kept telling me to take deep breaths, fearing that I would soon begin to hyperventilate.

When I finally settled down, I was brought to the hospital where the doctors took quick X-rays to see if any bones were touched. Thankfully, when I met with the specialists afterwards, they informed me that no bones had been broken or fractured. I was certainly very happy with this result, yet I still had no idea what exactly happened to my knee, which made me really nervous. Am I done playing soccer forever? How long will this take for me to recover? Many doctors came into my room to take a look at my leg, but no one could really tell what had occurred due to the large amount of swelling that had gathered up inside my knee. A week after the injury date, I got a phone call from the hospital informing me that I had torn my anterior crossed ligament.

My first reaction was quite negative. I was very frustrated and could not believe this had happened to me after all the preparation I had during the summer prior to the season. After replaying the situation over and over in my head, I came to the conclusion that it might have occurred due to a lack of focus while weight lifting, weaknesses in my ligament tissue, or simply bad luck. Whatever excuse I could come up with, I knew that there was one thing I needed to do and that was surgery.

Surgery is certainly something that I didn’t enjoy. However, it was a very critical step for me in order to keep playing in the future. November 3rd, 2008, I was put on the hospital bed. I was wearing a cute little outfit: the long and warm grey socks, light blue gown, and, of course, the lovely blue beret on my head. Despite the comfort of the nurses, I could feel my heart beating very fast. When the time came for the nurses to bring me in the operating room, my anxiety reached its peak. The feeling was bittersweet. I was excited to get the surgery done so I could finally begin working towards getting back to playing. However, I knew that it would be a lot of hard work. The staff placed me on the bed under hot and comfy blankets to calm me down so they could start with the process of anesthesia. My legs wouldn’t stop shaking, but they decided to put in my IV anyways. Bad idea! My veins were impossible to fine. Two specialists on both sides of the bed tried to find my veins on both arms, and after five attempts, the needles finally went in. It took only a few seconds, and I was out. It took a long time before I woke up. The sleep felt as if I had closed my eyes for only a few moments, but in reality I had been unconscious for more than five hours. Later when I became a little bit more responsive, I had tried at many occasions to stay awake, but I wasn’t too successful; the medicine was still running through my veins. Eventually, I was able to resist the dizziness and the strong fatigue. As soon as I was completely awake, it was as if a new day had come. Even though I still felt pain in my knee, my thoughts suddenly shifted from being miserable and preoccupied with negative reflections to being positive and I became very optimistic. I was happy that surgery was over, and I was looking forward for the next steps of my recovery. I couldn’t wait to start rehabilitating.

Rehab was a process that required a lot of effort, hard work, and devotion. Yes, there were times when I just wanted to give up. It was very tough to see my soccer team on the field while I was doing my own little rehab exercises on the sideline. While they would be practicing their shots (my favorite drill) I would be doing basic exercises such as squats and lunges. Even though rehab seemed long and painful, I benefited from a lot of great things during that time. Especially the support and help that I got from my family and friends, which definitely fueled my motivation to keep up with my rehab. Whenever I would have a down time, my teammates would cheer me up. Sometimes I would call my parents at night crying, thinking I couldn’t do it anymore. Nevertheless, they would remind me what were my goals, and how proud of myself I would be when I would step back on the field again. This gave me the opportunity to realize how blessed I was to be surrounded by those people who greatly helped me go through this hardship.

After this six month recovery, I was finally able to step back on the field with my teammates. I cannot even describe the feeling I had every time I played. I often told myself that all the time and energy I spent on recovery paid off. It felt awesome to be able to do everything my teammates did without restriction. Looking back at the day when I injured my knee, I had never expected something that bad ever happening to me. That is why we have to cherish every moment of our lives, whenever we can. Life can be very tough at times, and terrible situations may occur. There are going to be times when you ask, “Why me?” However, there will always be a solution to any situation we might face in life. It is our character and strength that will decide how far we go. As Michael Jordan once said, ‘’Obstacles don't have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don't turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it.’’ Many times during my recovery I faced obstacles that could have easily made me giving up, and it took me a little while to figure out how to deal with all of them. Though when I found the solution, everything became a lot better. Going through rehabilitation was one of the best experiences that ever happened to me because it really taught me to never give up and showed me that everything is possible.

Short Story - The Confession

Lauren had just gotten back from working a shift from eight to four and she was exhausted. She was cooking dinner for herself on this Thursday night, and was engaged in a phone conversation with her boyfriend Alan. They were discussing a very touchy subject that didn’t always please Lauren: his departure for Iraq in November.

“Don’t leave, please, just don’t go” said Lauren. “What am I gonna do without you for 11 months?”

“Honey, it’s my job, I already told you this. I have to go” replied Alan.

“I know, but a lot can happen during such a long period of time,” said Lauren.

“I will come back in one piece, I promise,” said Alan, giving her that crooked smile that made her heart melt every time.

Work, school, and family were the main things that preoccupied Lauren these past couple months. She struggled at her work because her boss demanded a lot from her. In addition to being overwhelmed at work, she was finishing her final semester at university. Home was not always easy. Her parents were strict and wanted the best for their only daughter. Though Lauren was extremely busy, she found time to dedicate to her new boyfriend Alan. Unfortunately, due to the distance that separated them, she only saw him once or twice a week.

Lauren often thought of Alan. She loved to daydream of his dark brown eyes, with the depth and color of a muddy river, looking down at her from dignified height. It took only a few dates for them to fall in love deeply with each other. She often reminded herself of the very first date with Alan: the romantic dinner, the slow walk downtown next to the river, and the warm and comfy cuddle session on the couch of his apartment where they both fell asleep watching a movie. That night was memorable for Lauren, and she enjoyed playing it over and over in her head, though it made her miss him even more. Soon after, their relationship grew even stronger when Alan once surprised her at work. He walked inside the department store with her favorite flowers, wearing the shirt she got him for his birthday. As soon as she noticed him, she couldn’t stop smiling at him and threw her arms around his neck to pull him into a tight embrace.

However, Alan has not always been the perfect-boyfriend-that-all-girls-dream-about type of guy. He had issues in the past with his family, leading him to move out of his parents’ house at a young age, and maintain a distant relationship with his parents. At one point of his life, he was without a job and began to drink with his buddies on a regular basis. This was when he decided to enlist in the army, to get back on track and do something with his life. Even after enrolling in the army he had difficulties figuring out who he was and what his goals were in life. This was over a year ago. He had overcome his problems and was now the leader of his regiment that would leave for Iraq in the near future.

Initially, Lauren’s parents did not approve of Alan. They were convinced that he was a man with problems. Her mom, especially, was not so happy with Lauren dating him. Lauren would have phone conversations with her mom about this issue.

Lauren’s mom would always try and convince her that Alan was not the one for her. She would list everything possible to make her daughter think otherwise, but Lauren doesn’t let anyone change her mind.

November was only three weeks away, and Lauren was becoming more nervous. The daily phone conversations with her mom began to affect her. What if my mom knows about my secret? Is he a good guy to share this precious gift with for the rest of my life? Or will he see this as a burden and just someone else to take care of?

Tonight was the last night Lauren and Alan could spend together. They met at the café for a late night coffee. As they casually sipped on their espresso, Lauren had a feeling this was going to be her last chance to tell him what was going on, but she couldn’t find quite the right time to bring up such serious news, when the rest of the conversation was light and enjoyable. Then, she felt like she was finally ready.

“Alan, there’s something that you should know before your departure, and I hope this will not affect you by any means,” Lauren said.

“Sweetheart, nothing can possibly affect me more than not being with you everyday for eleven months,” replied Alan.

“Well this is sort of unexpected babe,” said Lauren, as she ran her delicate hand through her hair.

“What is it Lauren?” said Alan, now worried.

“I am pregnant!”

“You are... Pregnant?!” said Alan.

Suddenly, Lauren feared that she had made the wrong decision about telling him. She could sense that Alan was not ecstatic with this shocking news. There at a small table at the café were Lauren and Alan, sitting across from each other, without saying anything to each other. Thoughts were suddenly filling Lauren’s head. Was that a mistake? What if he decides to retreat from going to the army because of that?

The next day, Lauren got in her car and was on her way to the airport, where she would say her last goodbyes before Alan would board his plane for Iraq. Alan had finally decided that Lauren should keep the baby and promised her that he would come on a leave when she would give birth. When she arrived at the airport, she tried not to think too much about Friday’s conversation and slowly entered the automatic doors, looking around her to finally find Alan who was waiting for her.

“I love you, Lauren” Alan said, as he pulled her close and kissed her on the cheek. ”Last night was a big shock for me hun but I am so glad. We will start a family once I get back, and the baby will be my primary source of inspiration when I’ll be over there.”

The army’s general interrupted Lauren and Alan’s emotional conversation. He informed them that the plane will be departing in less than an hour and that it was time to say their last goodbye. Lauren sadly looked at Alan and kissed him passionately. She knew that the eleven following months would be the hardest, but at the same time, she was glad to carry something very special and meaningful for both Alan and her. It was time to say goodbye to a loved one, but to say hello to a new one.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Predict the Unpredictable

First sight, first word, first kiss,

my heart smiled as the gentleman spoke.

When our eyes met,

my soul was instantly awaken as if

I had been living a nightmare all my life.

He grabbed my hand

and the world around me


I took a second to appreciate his soft skin,

and it seemed like no one could interrupt

this beautiful moment.

Until a superior voice spoke,

I had confidence in the love

flowing in the air

between my sweetheart and I.

I suddenly felt anger throughout my body

seeing that this person wanted to separate us.

I felt like my flawless world had been shifted upside down,

and though I really cared about my father

ignorance took over and love reigned.

Together, as lovers, we escaped

in this world of wonders,

where no one’s outlook on our relationship

could break the strength of our bonds

that united our compassion for each other

since the first sight, first word, and first kiss.

Thanks to Mother Nature

My body wakens from the sound

of gentle sparrows.

My eyes slowly open,

and I wake up from the dream

that I never wanted to end.

My day starts with me,



and wondering,

what route my twenty four hours will take

while the sun begins to rise

breaking the darkness of the night.

I glance outside my window

to observe the leaves moving

back and forth in the morning breeze.

The rising sun shines

on the fresh and moist grass.

The tulips reveal

their reddish color

to contrast

with the white and yellow daisies.

I took a deep breath

and enjoy the feeling

of fresh air entering my body.

I close my eyes for a second

to relax and to picture myself

flying over the precious natural world

and say : “Thanks Mother Nature.”

The Calming River

Sitting on the firm ground next to the river

I inhaled the soothing breeze

Coming across my face,

Flavored with the delicious smell of Lilacs.

The sound of the leaves gently touching

tingled in my ears,

and the chants of the pigeon birds

brought my senses to a calming state of mind.

I sat comfortably on the edge of the stream.

My darkest thoughts disappeared,

and my mind took a journey away from my senses

thinking of the comfy and puffy clouds.

I enjoyed this lovely summer afternoon

as the world around kept moving.

My body relaxed on the wooden doc

and for a moment

it is as if nature offered its beauty

for me, and me only.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Character Description!


- Girl in her teenage years

- She is medium height

-She wears weird clothes, with chains on them, and lots of holes, heavy make up

- She has a piercing on her eyebrows, one in her lower lip, and three on each ear lobe.

- She has dark black hair with bangs going across her face


- As soon as I saw this person, I knew something was out of ordinary. I think that she is a person that had problems early in life with her family and friends. She would be the kind of person that didn’t have friends for most of her high school years which led her to become an emotional type of person that started smoking secretly behind her parents back.

Imagining her with flaws:

- I imagine her as a very bad temper person and someone that would see everything that’s happening in her life as negative. She wouldn’t take any advices from anyone to improve her lifestyle and to go back on the right track. She would also sneak out at night while her parents were asleep to enjoy the darkness!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Rose Garden

When we arrived at the Rose Garden, I immediately noticed a couple of squirrels that was running around this beautiful place. When I followed one of the squirrels with my eyes for a good minute or so, I noticed that this animal had similar characteristics to my little cousin Alexia. I observed that it was quick, and full of energy. It looked like it was curious to see what us, the girls, were doing laying there with paper and pencil at our hands. As soon as I wanted to approach it, the squirrel ran away from me to find a place to hide, as if it were scared of me. These qualities of the squirrel are easily comparable to the ones of Alexia. When at a family reunion, she would be running around the house or building, having fun with her other cousins. She did not seem to lose any bit of energy even though we would all expect her to crash at any second. When I would be talking with my friends, she would always try to sneak up on us, curious to know what we are discussing about. Adorable as she is, most people are tempted to approach her, to give her a hug or a simple kiss on her puffy cheek. But when anyone that appears as a strangers to her, she quickly runs away to find a person with whom she feels more comfortable to hide from them.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Downtown Orono - Conversation!

When I was sitting the edge of the steps in front of Margarita's, I was observing the body languages of the people walking by. I tried to pick some lines of conversations that I thought would be interesting. However, they were walking quickly next to me which made it difficult to hear the replies going back and forth between them. Based on some part of conversations that I recorded, I noticed that people of Orono likes to give their opinion on most things. I caught on two women in their 40's talking about yoga or exercises, and I think I heard from the distance that one of them was confessing something about her husband, something like:

- Well, my husband goes to the gym and always come back to the house....

I didn't get the chance to know the rest, but this simple line confirms my point that people in Orono likes to express their own opinion on things.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Saturday Night at the Bar!

Natascha was having an amazing time at the bar with her girlfriends. She danced and drank, talked and sang, on this animated Saturday night. She has had a hard week at work, and needed to let loose for the weekend. It was on her way to the bathroom when she perceived decent looking man who was sitting by himself at the bar, ordering drinks. As she observed the actions of the man, she thought 'What is this man doing by himself on a Saturday night?'. Later on during the night, as Natascha was getting looks from many men on the dance floor probably enjoying her beauty, she was still very intrigued by this lonely man. Outgoing and confident as she is, she decided to go and meet the man.

- "What a night!" discretely saying as she ordered few drinks for her and her friends next to this man.
- "Ah, I'm takin' it easy tonight, dear.." replied the man with a sad tone in his voice.
"I'm Reeve by the way, nice to meet you, you seemed to have a lot of fun out there!"

Natascha suddenly was flattered by the fact that he had been observing her on the dance floor.

-"Nice to meet you, I'm Natascha, and indeed I'm enjoying myself tonight" said the lady in sweat with an exhausted voice.

The man and woman prolonged their conversation, approaching the comfortable zone. Flirty comments were said back and forth, mostly because of the alcohol, given that the man was not really Natascha's type of guys. The night was still young, and the two individuals ended up rocking some ridiculous dance moves later during the night.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Onto the Garden... Human Nature!

There has been many theories developing the idea that human beings have a sense of what is right and what is wrong. The following points are some characteristics that represents my opinion on human nature.
  • As humans, we all differs from others. We have different characteristics that makes us unique.
  • As humans, we eat and drinking because in our opinions, it is essential to survive.
  • As humans, we have an inner feeling to protect one self from danger.
  • As humans, we feel the need to express ourselves in many different ways. It can be through visual arts, sports, or any actions that interact with society.
  • As humans, we find comfort in family because we are naturally and genetically related to our family members which makes us believe that we can automatically find faith and trust inside of them.
  • As humans, we understand, even at a young age, that violence is not accepted and can hurt others around us. We know that it is wrong and that it goes against human nature.
  • As humans, we believe that respect is one of the most fundamental elements of life that should be part of our everyday life.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

A Journey on the Shore of the River

Refreshing water felt by my heated skin

Soothing and warm breeze

The air is flavored with the smell of flowers

The slow currant of the river gives the pace at which life is lived by creatures in this environment

The sun shares its warmth with the green carpet-like trees

The birds sang cheerfully as the water gently hit the wooden platform next to me

The buildings sitting on the other side of the road brings back the civilization aspect of the real world.