Wednesday, July 7, 2010

A Journey on the Shore of the River

Refreshing water felt by my heated skin

Soothing and warm breeze

The air is flavored with the smell of flowers

The slow currant of the river gives the pace at which life is lived by creatures in this environment

The sun shares its warmth with the green carpet-like trees

The birds sang cheerfully as the water gently hit the wooden platform next to me

The buildings sitting on the other side of the road brings back the civilization aspect of the real world.


  1. Christine,
    These thoughts are good descriptions of your surroundings. The line where you said "The air is flavoured with the smell of flowers" is like a dream. It is like you know the taste of the flowers that surround you. I like that line.
    Good work!

  2. christine,
    I really like how you described the sound of leaves brushing together, you dont see too many fine details like that these days. I also like how you related the pace of life to the movement found in its atmosphere!

    well done!!!

  3. I like that you gave an image of what you were picturing. It adds effect to your poem and helps us, the audience see a more clear picture. You describe the scene perfectly also! Great job and keep up the good work.

  4. Great job with your looks really nice with the color scheme you chose and the pictures. Good observations of the river. I, like Lisa, liked the image of the "air flavored with the smell of flowers."

  5. Great picture--did you take it yourself? Wonderful addition to the blog!

  6. Christine,
    Great descriptions! I specifically like the line, "The slow current of the river gives the pace at which life is lived by creatures in this environment." It really describes how calm and relaxing nature is.
    Beautiful picture too! Your blog looks awesome :)

  7. Love the last line and how it takes you back to reality.
